Mr Mk Bambang Utomo

Who Is Mr Bambang Utomo.??
The Root Causes of the 1998 Riots and the Criminal Reform Consensus
Looking back at the outbreak of the riots in May 1998, and the birth of reform, we must know the main motive that was the trigger.
During the New Order period, Suharto doubled his money as much as 13,000 trillion.
And Soeharto at that time ordered 48 Generals consisting of 4, 3 and 2 star Generals, to take part in controlling and supervising the inflow of funds after the signing of the 7th Fleet ship by Grantor, in order to help the Indonesian economy according to Suharto's request.
However, on the back of the 48th day, the General committed fraud and treason in the form of asset theft and multiplying money, in cooperation with Suharto's sons and daughters and cronies.

The arrival of the aircraft carrier Fleet 7 at Tanjung Benoa Bali is a very important event. His arrival was a return and handover of assets and stick of command to someone who has rights in accordance with the statutory provisions in INA 18, namely to Malikul Kusno Bambang Utomo.
On the other hand, in 1997 there was a process of printing money from polymer material for 100 thousand rupiah denominations with the image of Soekarno.
The printing of 100 thousand rupiah polymer notes was a form of recognition from the world that Soekarno was not a Communist. And it also implies that "Soekarno never betrayed his people". The currency was legalized internationally in 1997 at the same time as the signing of the 7th fleet of warships in Bali.
Although it is true that even Soekarno was not really clean. However, the Son's mistakes were erased by signing the agreement. The Son is the Grantor of the Trust, Malikul Kusno Bambang Utomo.
Prior to 1997, money printing was carried out in Indonesia itself. However, due to too many acts of duplication and abuse, since 1997 printing has been centered in Australia as the gateway to the World Finance. Thailand, Germany, Laos etc. have also printed money. However, this action is illegal because it is an attempt to print without permission or an act of multiplying money. So the only country that has the task and is obliged to print all world currencies, without exception, is only Australia. In 1997, regional autonomy was also stipulated. Where the regional autonomy provisions were included in the agreement on board the Fleet 7 aircraft carrier.

This decision was made because it is the duty of a leader to educate his people to be independent. Namely guiding and fostering citizens in their regions to become entrepreneurs by providing capital loans with only KTP guarantees through their respective Regional Development Banks.
Certainly not Amien Rais' version of regional autonomy. Because regional autonomy in the reform era until now has not made the people prosperous. So that there is no effect whatsoever for the people, apart from a handful of people who become petty kings, who exploit the resources used to enrich themselves and their groups.
The Monetary Crisis that occurred in 1997 was essentially caused by financial crimes committed in the previous years, in the form of printing illegal currencies and duplicating money.
Where the monetary crisis occurs within the framework of learning and to clean up the financial system that has been polluted by illegal money flows. And also intended so that the people and citizens of Indonesia do not share the burden of blame 3 Independent.
The issue that the monetary crisis was perpetrated by George Soros is not entirely true. Because George Soros himself is only a horse for the people of this country to reap the gain on exchange rate fluctuations. One year later, namely 1998, there was an evil consensus between Soeharto's sons and daughters and indigenous people who produced reforms.
In essence, the reform movement was planning for massive theft and robbery of Grantor's assets that had been received in Fleet 7 in the previous year. While these assets are determined for the welfare of Indonesian citizens according to the agreement of the kings in INA 18 where the development carried out is intended to restore and maintain the balance and equilibrium of the universe. These assets and assets must be managed properly by the Indonesian government (at that time the president was the late HMS).
With the entry of the funds submitted in the 7th Fleet, certain references were signed. then in the Habibie era, the Rupiah, which previously weakened to Rp. 17,000 / USD, then strengthened to Rp. 6,800 / USD.
However, because there have been more than a dozen copies of money through printing in Germany, the Rupiah has weakened again. Series of events since 
Soeharto until the reform period was the beginning of a disaster for this nation. The thousands of cash crates that have not been registered by BI are only sheets of paper which are legally illegal money (money not legally used as a means of transaction). Illegal money, which became known as IDR (Instrument Deposit of Registered), was mostly controlled by top TNI and BAKIN officials as well as officials in the sandalwood circle.
Soeharto made a confession and handed over Rp. 13,000 T was in 2007, before he died. What made him unable to be sued by any institution, and anyone else was because the money he turned around was the funds that came through the Trikora foundation, with SI which reads "Morgan & Associates put in funds on behalf of M. Bambang Utomo via the Trikora Foundation". All of the above mistakes were closed by signing back to banknotes to replace polymer in 2004 at Bank Indonesia Surabaya branch with Branch Head Lucky Fathul Aziz Hadibrata - edited previously written Lucky Fathullah. Unfortunately, this rescue was manipulated by elements of this country driven by SBY.
When will this secret and hidden evil be revealed? God willing, after solving the problem in 97-98 is over. Where it will open the veil of this long-kept truth will be carried out by the United Nations.
May Allah subhanahu wata'ala facilitate the process in a safe, smooth and peaceful manner. It is enough that only once the riot occurred as in 1998. Tomorrow, November 4, 2016, whether there was a riot or not, the process of prosecuting the perpetrators in 1998 will continue. The difference is, if a riot occurs, it will result in new suffering that must be borne by the Indonesian people. Enough lessons in the year 98 as a mirror and bitter lesson. Do not Muslims want to be used consciously or not for an evil purpose.
